How will I contact a student attending Colaiste Uisce?
Telephone calls to students in English are discouraged as they distract the students’ concentration on Gaeilge and prevent them from gaining maximum benefit from the course. Calls should therefore be kept to a minimum especially during the first three days of the course. Mobile phones are permitted, however they are collected on arrival and students will have access to their phones for approximately half an hour after dinner for texting as phone calls are discouraged. Important messages can be sent through the Principals office, 097-82475 which is staffed from 9am to 6pm. Alternatively you can contact the office on 097-82111.
Out of hours contact procedure
To contact the course principal dial the direct line 097 82475 or the main number 097 82111 and select option 2.
The phone in the course principal’s office is manned from 9:00am to 6.00pm each day.
Messages on this phone are also checked at 8pm and 10pm.
If the need arises to make urgent contact with a student outside of these times parents can call 097 82475 and this phone will divert directly to the course principals phone.